Lensa - ai图片处理工具



《Lensa - ai图片处理工具》

Lensa is a picture editor for selfies and photo retouching. The app has many filters for pictures to get a sweet selfie, remove any blur background or do any other necessary editing. With its simple features and photo-effects, you can make every photo perfect 365 days a year. Capture memorable moments and do the necessary photo editing to freeze each moment in time. You don't need a photo lab or dark room because within seconds your peachy selfie is ready.


Lensa AI 的主要功能包括:

  1. 智能增强:自动调整照片的亮度、对比度和色彩平衡,使其看起来更加清晰和生动。

  2. 自动修复:自动检测和修复照片中的缺陷,如模糊、噪点、红眼等。

  3. 背景虚化:自动将照片背景进行虚化处理,突出照片中的主体,使其更具吸引力。

  4. 美肤磨皮:自动去除照片中的皱纹、斑点和瑕疵,让肌肤更加光滑细腻。

  5. 智能滤镜:提供多种预设的滤镜效果,可以帮助用户快速实现不同的照片风格。
