CodeAssist - AI编程



《CodeAssist - AI编程》

CodeAssist (for Intellij) is an AI assistant / chatbot / copilot for programming. It generates or changes the code, given a description of the changes that you want to make. After installing, you can open it by clicking "CodeAssist" tab in the bottom-left corner. CodeAssist works with all popular programming languages.
CodeAssist 是一款为 Intellij 设计的 AI 助手/聊天机器人/编程协作工具。它可以根据您所要进行的更改描述生成或修改代码。安装完成后,只需单击左下角的 "CodeAssist" 选项卡即可打开它。CodeAssist 可以与所有流行的编程语言配合使用。
